"I consider myself convicted by the testimony of Holy Scripture, which is my basis; my conscience is captive to the Word of God." - Martin Luther
It's that time of year again, October. This month has special significance for tho

Do I believe that a man must be a Calvinist to enter heaven? Be it far from me to ever suggest such. I know of a number of Godly men of whom the world is not worthy, men who at the same time hold to the erroneous doctrines of “free-will” salvation which I now detest. I can rightly testify that God regenerated my own heart as an Arminian, despite the fact that I gave myself too much glory for such salvation. As George Whitefield proclaimed when someone asked if he thought he would see John Wesley in heaven, "I fear not, for he will be so near the eternal throne and we at such a distance, we shall hardly get sight of him."
The passage of Scripture quoted in Romans is what started me on my road to Geneva, so to speak. (I once was an Arminian, but now I see). Romans Chapter 9 contains all of the "five points", and will be expounded in detail as I deal with those five points. However, before I delve into this, a few words about the so-called "Five Points of Calvinism". (We refer to Calvinism as The Doctrines of Sovereign Grace.)
First of all, John Calvin knew nothing about "five points". The so-called "Five Points of Calvinism" were a biblical response to the "Five Points of Arminianism" presented by the Remonstrance at the Synod of Dort in 1618, 54 years after Calvin's death.
Second, the theology referred to as "Calvinism" did not originate with Calvin. It was the theology of Luther, of the Reformers, of Augustine, and, dare I say, of Paul. As Charles Spurgeon said, "It is a nickname to call it Calvinism. Calvinism is the gospel and nothing else".
Third, the debate is an old one, beginning way before Calvin or Arminius. It began in the 4th Century with the Pelagian Heresy. . (Whenever I debate diehard Catholics in this area, I always refer to St. Augustine of Hippo.) Luther and Erasmus debated the same issue a generation before Calvin.
A good comparison of the "five points" can be found here
Calvinism | Arminianism |
T=Total Depravity | Human Ability |
U=Unconditional Election | Conditional Election |
L=Limited Atonement | Universal Atonement |
I=Irresistable Grace | Resistable Grace |
P=Perseverence of the Saints | Falling from Grace |
Jonah tells us that “Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9). This is the clearest, most straightforward, no-nonsense Bible Doctrine of salvation, and I wish to know no other. I have no use for a temporary, man-initiated salvation. Give me the Doctrine of Salvation that Paul and Silas used to overthrow the Roman Empire. Give me the Doctrine of Salvation that Augustine preached that converted all of pagan Europe. Give me the Doctrine of Salvation that the Pilgrims and Puritans used to shake off the bands of tyranny to found this United States of America. Give me the Doctrine of Salvation that once shook the colonies and their European mothers in what was The Great Awakening. May we yet have another revival such as this one.
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